

A look inside the secret lives of termites

Jan 30, 2018, 12:52 PM by Fred Speer
Termites are a threat to homes across California. Clark Pest Control has been doing battle with these destructive pests for decades, and we understand the importance of protecting your most valuable investment.

Termites are a threat to homes across California. Clark Pest Control has been doing battle with these destructive pests for decades, and we understand the importance of protecting your most valuable investment.

But what happens when you take half a million termites and set them loose in a tiny, built-to-scale dream house? No, it’s not the start of a bad joke. It’s the premise behind the Tiny Termite House, a research project from the National Pest Management Association – of which Clark Pest Control has been a long-standing member.

The project involves setting 500,000 termites, the size of an average colony, free to enjoy a custom-built miniature house, while capturing all the riveting, non-stop destruction on high-definition video.

Anyone wondering what’s going on inside the studs of their own home can wonder no longer, as this first-of-its-kind footage will reveal just how quickly an active termite infestation can threaten a home’s structural integrity.


Homeowners are often completely unaware that termites could be gnawing away at their property’s structural stability until it’s too late. The video from the research project will show how these silent destroyers collaborate quietly and quickly to traverse up and down the spaces between walls, and will help illustrate the conditions that allow them to thrive.

What are signs that might indicate your home has termites? The Clark Man has come up with the top five signs of a possible termite infestation.

  1. Termite swarmers: Swarmers, also known as winged reproductives, are young female and male termites with wings. In the springtime, termite swarmers emerge from their nests to mate and search for a new location to start a colony, which typically includes our homes. As such, termite swarmers – or the wings they discard near windowsills and doors – are often the first (and only outwardly visible) sign of a termite problem.
  2. Mud tubes: Subterranean termites, the most destructive termite species, build mud tubes to provide a moist travel route they use to travel between their colony and a food source. Mud tubes are most often found near a home’s foundation.
  3. Wood damage: Termites tend to eat wood from the inside out, so wood that sounds hollow when tapped often signifies a termite infestation. You should also look for pieces of wood that appear to blistering on the surface.
  4. Uneven or bubbling paint: Uneven or bubbling paint is often a sign of moisture buildup, which could mean one of two things – water damage or termites.
  5. Termite frass: Light, wood-colored droppings that resemble sawdust, found inside or outside the home, can indicate termite activity.

Only a thorough inspection by a trained professional will determine if you have termites. To schedule an inspection, call or text (800) WE-NEED-YOU (936-3339) or drop me an email at

Until next time I’m the Clark Man, and thanks for helping me keep unwanted pests out of your home and yard.

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