

The Value of Low Impact Pest Control

May 31, 2024, 14:04 PM by Fred Speer

Reducing the environmental footprint of our services while protecting people, property and food from harmful pests is important to Clark Pest Control. Being a good steward to our environment and the communities we serve is part of our business DNA.

Integrated pest management (IPM) practices have been part of Clark’s service protocols for decades. The pest control industry is rapidly evolving as new technologies have been introduced that control and reduce the risks posed by rodents, ants, termites and flies better than ever before.

New application methods, advanced training for technicians and expanded use of data analytics to pinpoint the root causes of pest threats, have reduced the amount of pesticides needed in the battle against pests.

Blair Smith, director of technical and quality assurance for Clark Pest Control, recently penned an article for Pest Control Technology magazine, on the low impact approach to pest management.

“A low-impact approach to pest management is not a new concept. Doing more with less accurately describes our industry’s evolution,” wrote Smith.

She added that for the industry to continue to achieve and further advance its commitment to environmental stewardship, it must become extremely deliberate about product placement to maximize success.

To that end the Pest Management Alliance Project (funded by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation) is currently testing the efficacy of low-impact treatments so pest management professionals can adopt them with confidence (Clark Pest Control is a member of the alliance).

“Data being collected will determine which interfaces have the greatest chance of delivering our materials to a pest,” said Smith. “These findings will help to provide much greater specificity to technicians in a service protocol beyond a general directive to make applications based on inspection.”


Why Low Impact Services Matter

Low impact pest control services are important to California for several reasons:

Environmental Stewardship – Protecting soil, water and non-target species, including beneficial insects like bees, is essential. Low impact pest control protocols are in step with advancing environmental stewardship practices.

Sustainability - Low impact pest control promotes sustainable practices by focusing on long-term prevention and management of pests rather than relying on repeated treatments. This can include methods like habitat modification, sanitation, monitoring, education and training, biological controls, and exclusion.

Resistance Management - Overuse of pesticides can lead to pest resistance, making it harder to control them over time. Low impact methods help reduce the likelihood of resistance by using a variety of control strategies.

Cost-Effectiveness - While initial costs for low impact pest control services might be higher, they often lead to long-term savings. Preventive measures and sustainable practices can reduce the need for frequent treatments, lowering overall costs.

Better Results Through More Targeted Applications – Adopting low impact pest control practices that emphasize precision application techniques can improve the effectiveness of the treatment and result in more effective long-term control.

By prioritizing low impact pest control, pest control professionals can help protect the ecosystem, and promote sustainable pest management practices for the benefit of everyone.

Pest Control Solutions from Clark

If you are interested in solving your pest problems with the lowest impact possible, call or text 800/WE-NEED-YOU or drop me an e-mail at

Until next time, the pest management professionals at Clark Pest Control thank you for help keeping unwanted pests out of your home and yard.

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