

Pests get warm welcome

Apr 2, 2010, 17:58 PM by User Not Found
Mild winter early spring weather have exterminators working to ward off a potential bug boom The mild winter weather offered people ample time to sp

Mild winter, early spring weather have exterminators working to ward off a potential bug boom.

The mild winter weather offered people ample time to spend outdoors. Now it also means there could be more uninvited houseguests crawling around in springtime.

The insects of spring have shaken off the cold and crawled out of their hiding spots weeks in advance, aided by a winter that saw less than 14 inches of snowfall in the region and above-normal temperatures during most of the colder months - especially in early 2010. Homeowners and residents across the Inland Northwest might notice more bugs compared to previous years, with indoor critters emerging from cellars, vents and attics, and outside bugs prowling the yard.

Local pest control companies have been called to action, with many reporting an increase in phone calls this year over previous thawing seasons.

"Pretty much when the weather starts heating up, the insects start showing up," said Chris Russell, a technician at Advanced Pest Control in Coeur d'Alene. "We're thinking it could be a busy season; we've already had quite a few calls for spiders and ants. We've started spraying about a month earlier."

Pat Johnson, owner and co-founder of the company, said based on her more than four decades in the business, without the extreme cold that otherwise kills off a host of indoor and outdoor pests, "we might be experiencing a busy season."

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