

Tick ticks off your list

May 10, 2024, 09:47 AM by Fred Speer

It’s peak tick season, and with warmer temperatures on the upswing, so are tick populations rising across the United States.

Ticks are dangerous pests because they can transmit a variety of diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tick-borne encephalitis, to humans and animals through their bites. These diseases can have serious health consequences if not promptly treated, including fever, joint pain, fatigue, and in some cases, neurological problems or even death.

Also, ticks can transmit disease-causing pathogens at alarming rates. In a recent survey from the National Pest Management Association, one in four Americans (25 percent) are concerned about tick bites and tick-borne diseases. Ticks are particularly concerning because their bites are often painless, so people may not be aware that they have been bitten and infected until symptoms develop

This is National Tick Awareness Week and Clark, your friendly pest, mosquito, and termite control – and grounds care – expert, would like to raise awareness about this important pest.

Tick prevention tips

Ticks are often found in wooded or grassy areas, as well as in shrubs, leaf piles, and tall grasses. They can also be found in parks and gardens, especially in areas with a lot of wildlife. It's important to be cautious in these areas, especially during the warmer months when ticks are most active.

Clark Pest Control offers the following tips to protect your family and pets from an unwanted encounter with ticks.

  • When outdoors, use bug spray containing at least 20 percent DEET, and wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, preferably light in color, so that ticks are easier to detect.
  • Keep grass cut low – including around fences, sheds, and trees – to prevent ticks from hiding in the greenery.
  • Before heading indoors, inspect your entire body, clothing, family, and pets for ticks.
  • Clear overgrown vegetation, especially around the border of your property, to eliminate potential tick habitats.
  • Protect pets by reaching out to your local veterinarian. They usually offer a variety of products for protecting animals from tick-borne diseases.
  • If you suspect a tick infestation, contact a qualified pest management professional immediately.


What to know about Lyme disease

Although Lyme disease is treatable, it can be easily confused with other conditions, and disease cases are vastly underreported. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), human cases of tickborne diseases have been rising steadily in recent years across the country.

Lyme disease, one of the most common illnesses caused, has been diagnosed in all 50 states and is more common than previously thought, as the CDC recently increased its annual estimate of people diagnosed and treated with the disease by 45 percent to half a million.

Transmitted by infected Western blacklegged ticks, Lyme disease is known for causing a circular red rash to appear at the bite site. However, the disease can cause more symptoms beyond the bullseye rash, such as joint pain, fever, and chills. In serious cases or if the disease is left untreated, Lyme disease can result in arthritis, facial palsy, heart, and nervous system issues, as well as brain and spinal cord inflammation. Tickborne diseases can be transmitted quickly into a person’s bloodstream, sometimes in as little as 36 to 48 hours after the initial bite.

If you have questions about ticks or Lyme disease (May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month), call or text (800) WE-NEED-YOU (936-3339) or email us at

Until next time, the pest management professionals at Clark Pest Control thank you for helping to keep unwanted pests out of your home and yard.

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