Todays line-up:
8:30 - 9:30 Gail Getty (UC Extension) - Bed Bug Biology that effects your business bottom line
9:30 - 10:30 Jim F. (NPMA) - Detecting and controlling bed bugs in the 21st century
10:45 - Jeff Lipman - Beb bug liability, the legal precedence being set
On deck... Gail Getty.
Bed bug History:
- One application did the job
- No prep needed
- Inexpensive
- Resistance hit in 1947
- People are NOT vigilant
- More clutter in the homes
- Key to control: through treatment
- 90% of lifetime is hidden
- Feed 3-4 days
- Often go days to a week or more without a blood meal
- Tend to live in aggregations
How big are they? - the size of an apple seed
Let me say it right away
- Can't fly
- Don't jump
- Coloring differs from opaque to dark brown
Life cycles
Mating and dispersion
- Tramatic insemination and female dispersal
- male pierces females abdominal
- Females matted repeatedly reducing longgevity of females by 25-30%
- Female disperses
- Result eggs deposited in unpredictale fasions
Adult life cycle
- Thin with no blood meal
- Female can lay eggs from 6-18 months
- Eggs to egg 2 months
- Lays 2-5 eggs a day
- 200-500 in her life time
- Eggs 'glued' to surfaces
- Tggs hatch in 6-10 days on average
- Temperture makes a diffrence
- Molt 5 times
- Must feed to molt
- Poorly understood
- Carbon dioxide
- Heat
- Maybe movement in room
- inject anticoagulant and numbs area
- Some people are allergic to injection
- Draws out blood
- 3 months without a blood meal
- leave dark fecal spots behind
- One bug inflicts multiple bites
- will travel 20+ feet
- Different reactions to bites
- Proteins in bugs saliva can cause a progressive sensitivity to repeated bites
- None - delayed up to 3 weeks
- Misdiagnosis
- Most common misdiagnosis - carpet beetle
Biting marks
- Arms, legs, neck, back, shoulders and face
- 40 human pathogens
- Neven proven to biologically transmit any human pathogen
- Secondary infection
- Not considered to be medically important
Customer Anxiety
- It's real
- Handle with care and empathy
A study in infested aparments showed
- 23% furniture
- 7% less predictable places

Thank you Gail!
Next Up Jim F. of the NPMA
Understanding Bed bug treatment and inspection methods
- more than 400 PMPs surveyed
- 99% treated bed bugs
- 84 % indicated bed bugs were increasing in their region
NPMA task force
Industry -Regulators - Academics
- Consumer protection
- Identify active infestation
- Communicate fees
- Communicate details of service
- Communicate realistic expectations
- Provide bed specific information with agreements
- Canine teams require 3rd party certification
- Non-chemical
- Steam
- Vacuum
- Heat
- Freeze
- Traditional options
Community wide approach
- Discourage disposal of mattress and furniture
- Recommdations for inspection and treatment of surrounding areas and ajacent rooms
- recomendations for training and educating hotel and facility staff about bed bug identification
Visual Inspections
- Humans can integrate facts to enhance search parameters
- Visual confirmation
- Labor intensive
- low level
Monitoring Devices
- Can be used to monitor when visual inspections are conclusive
- Proactive approach
- Can be used to measure post treatment success
- The most effective bait is a human
- detect bed bugs over days or weeks
- Low level infestations can be missed
- Cost
Mattress and Box Spring Encasements
- Makes inspection easier
- Seals bugs and eggs inside mattress and box spring
- Easy to install
- Not all encasements are created equal
- Ripped covers don't work
- Covers can't be removed for Laundering
Traditional Product Application
- Mulitiple formulations available for diffrent treatment sites
- Many effective products available
- Labor intensive
- Resistant populations have been reported
- Sensitivity may be a concern
Steam Treatments
- No residue
- Destroys all life stages, including eggs
- Penetrates fabrics and cracks
- Labor intensive
- No residual
- Some surfaces are heat sensitive
- Temp must rapidly exceed 122 F
Thanks Jim!
Next, Jeff Lipman (Attorney/Judge) - Real legal cases
Bed bug litigation
Document you Advise - PCO are at risk of being named in a lawsuit. Improtant to document your action plan.
Follow the Action Plan
- Hotel/Motel and apartment managers will be named in most lawsuits extremely important to follow the action plan and document compliance:
- Written actiona plan approved by the PCO
- Written engagement contract specifing bed bugs
Have PCC provide requirements for treatment readiness
Landlord and Hotel's duty to tenants and guests
1-provide a habiital premises
2-protect from clear and present danger
Landlord or Hotel Act
1-warn guests of dangers
2-evict tenants who interfere with bed bug eradiction
3-assist tenants who are mobility impaired with preparation for treatment
Ongoing Duty to Investigate
1-Bed bug monitoring
2-Periodic inspections as recommended by your PCO (Pest Control operator)
Implied warranty of Habitability
An implied warranty of habitability
When a Liability arises
The law commands that you inspect bed bugs
Landlords Obligation
To do what is reasonable under the circumstances
Unfair Deceptive Acts and Practices
- Rental units may not contain illegal hazards that endanger the occupants well-being or make the unit unfit for habitation. UDAP violation
Jeff is now walking us through the Spaulding v. Young Case (1992)
Mathias v. Accor, 347 F .3d 672 (2003) This is a great case to research, this is regarding bed bugs at a motel.
Reliance not required (most of the time)
Generally courts are more receptive to consumer fraud class actions than common law fraud class actions.
Fee structure
- In writing
- Req. PCO to provide written estimate
- PCO should specify work to be performed (Bed bug)
Insurance for Building (covers bed bugs risk and exposure)
Getting Sued - Call your Insurance company
- Do not speak to the client
- Do not speak to the clients attorney
- Do not speak to the press
- Speak to your Insurance company, they will do the talking for you
Burdons of proof
- Reasonable doubt
- Clear and convincing evidence
- Preponderance of the evidence
What Jury hears in bed bug cases
- Blood sucking pests
- Fecal smears
- Nymphs
- Carry diseases
What the jury see's
- Photos of sheets
- Bites (Photos)
- Suffering (Photos)
- How bb travel
- PCO records