Learn more about this pest during National Bed Bug Awareness Week
A decade ago, bed bugs were not on anyone’s radar. They were a relic from a long-forgotten era that couldn’t possibly make a comeback.
That storyline changed, and today the proliferation of bed bugs in apartment/condominium buildings and homes has exploded across the United States like a package of Fourth of July firecrackers.
A 2015 survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association and the University of Kentucky asked pest management professionals where they most often find bed bugs. Topping the list are apartments/condominiums (95 percent) and single-family homes (93 percent). The next most-frequent location on the survey was hotels/motels (75 percent).
The spread of bed bugs is aided, in part, by the pest’s highly mobile nature. Bed bugs are capable of crawling into or onto just about any object, and getting a fix on exactly where they’ll turn up is a challenge.
With summer ranking as the most active season for bed bugs, homeowners need to be aware of the threat, especially upon returning from an annual summer getaway.
What are some of the most common locations you might find this well-traveled and elusive pest?
- Cracks and crevices in and around mattresses
- Bed frames
- Drapes
- Picture frames
- Electrical outlets
- Light fixtures
- Luggage
- Clothing and shoes
Signs of bed bug infestation include bloodstains from crushed bugs or rusty (sometimes dark) spots of excrement on sheets, mattresses, bed clothes, walls, and furniture. Also, egg cases and shed skins from bed bugs might be found in the vicinity of possible hiding places, like mattress or bed frames.
If you think you have bed bugs in your home, give the Clark Man a call. Our highly trained service technicians and inspectors will conduct a thorough inspection of your home to determine if bed bugs are present. If bed bugs are found, we will recommend the appropriate treatment.
You can play an important role in the bed bug prevention and management process, especially when it comes to preparing your home to be treated and following the instructions from your pest management professional for avoiding re-infestation. Removing excess household clutter – an ideal harborage location for bed bugs – and following pre- and post-treatment instructions and guidelines will greatly aid the long-term effectiveness of any bed bug treatment.
If you believe you have bed bugs in your home, call or text the Clark Man at (800) WE-NEED-YOU or send an email to clarkcares@clarkpest.com and let him and his knowledgeable team of pest experts help find the correct solution to your specific pest situation.
Until next time I’m the Clark Man, and thanks for helping me keep unwanted pests out of your home.