Bumping Bed Bugs From Your Holiday Travel Itinerary

Dec 16, 2014, 13:49 PM by User Not Found
The holiday travel season is upon us, and according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the average for travelers is four nights away from home. Whether it’s a trip to visit relatives or a holiday getaway to grab some powder on the ski slopes or sun at the beach, Americans like to hit the road for the holidays.

As you finalize your holiday travel plans, the Clark Man reminds you to be aware of certain unwanted travelers that have no problem hitching a ride in your luggage or backpack, and come home with you to infest your living space. The travelers we’re talking about are bed bugs.

In a survey by the National Pest Management Association, 75 percent of pest management professionals indicated that they’ve encountered bed bug infestations in hotels and motels. As you set out on your travels, the Clark Man offers the following tips for preventing bed bugs from ruining your travel plans:

  • Pull back the sheets and inspect the mattress seams, particularly at the corners, for telltale stains or spots. If you see anything suspect, notify the front desk and change rooms or hotels immediately.

  • inspect the entire room before unpacking, including behind the headboard and in sofas and chairs. If any pests are spotted, change rooms or establishments immediately.

  • If you do need to change rooms, be sure that you do not move to a room adjacent to and/or directly above or below the suspected infestation. Bed bugs can hitchhike easily via housekeeping carts, luggage, and even through wall sockets.

  • Pack and store your clothes is sealable plastic bags to prevent bed bugs from infesting them.

  • Inspect your suitcases before bringing them into the house and vacuum your suitcase thoroughly before storing it away if you see anything suspicious. Wash your clothes immediately.  Those that you haven’t worn – throw in the drier to ensure that any bed bugs that may have made it that far are not placed into your drawers or closet.

If you think you have a problem with bed bugs, contact Clark Pest Control at 800/WE-NEED-YOU or drop me an email at clarkcares@clarkpest.com. We will come out, inspect your residence, identify any active pests, and provide a treatment recommendation.

Until next time, I’m the Clark Man, and thank you for helping me keep unwanted pests out of your home.