Clark Pest Control Enters the Lodi Parade of Lights!
Dec 3, 2010, 16:09 PM
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Last night (December 2nd) Clark Pest Control took part in a long time Lodi tradition, Winterfest: The Parade of Lights and wow'ed
the crowds. Although we were a late entry and only having a few weeks to prepare, we were a show stopper.

Imagine Elf's, Christmas trees, Gingerbread men, rein deer, all dancing around a float of a gingerbread house, a christmas tree with a touch pest control added to it, topped off with Timmy the Termite chewing on wood, on and lets not forget Frosty the Snow man waving to the crowd!

As the driver, I heard the crowd yelling "Clark we need you"! and saw the excitement when our cast of characters danced and worked the crowd. Next year we plan on having some to trump this years float and will may be starting as early as next summer!