Mar 23, 2010, 19:13 PM
Dr. Dini Miller
Dr. Dini Miller is currently on deck and again one of my favorite topics...Bed Bugs.
Are Bed Bugs related to fleas? No, although it is closely related to the plant pest the Aphid. Bed Bugs originated from caves and have been transported all over the world. In the 40-50's Bed Bugs were essentially eradicated due to the use of DDT, later Bed Bugs developed a resistance to DDT.
So why are Bed Bugs back? People! International travel is a the biggest reason for the comeback. The hands down reason is most likely increased pressure of resistant population.
Poultry Farming...birds raised for meat cannot be treated with pesticides, therefor Bed Bug infestations are all more then common.
Bed Bugs after their feeds leave the host due to the heat, this is where Non-Chemical heat applications come into play. During the day they cluster together in cracks and crevices.
Eggs hatch between 8-9 days, newly hatched Bed Bugs will need their first blood meal within 3 days.
Most inspect for blood spots (red), this is incorrect, you are looking for black spots (dried blood), but most common is the actual bite.
Thank you Dr. Dini Miller for your insight!
If you think you have bed bugs, Clark Pest Control can help! We offer free bed bug inspections.