How Clark Pest Control Protects Your Pets
Dec 1, 2009, 19:03 PM
Clark Pest Control
This is a question that comes up often, "how will I know that pets are safe when you come out?" Clark Pest takes every measure to ensure the safety of your pets when we are there to treat your home. We at Clark know that your pets and not just "pets", they are members of your family and we take every precaution and measure to unsure they are safe. This is not an add-on but a Clark standard, and you should never expect less for your furry family members!
- If we find water and food bowls, they are removed from the application area. Water bowls are replenished with clean water after the application.
- We verify your pets are secure, with no access to treatment areas, before making applications.
- We provide flea and tick protection service
- We able to provide on-animal treatment with Petcor
- Our S.M.A.R.T. technique entails targeted application areas
- We can use low impact materials with lower toxicity to mammals
- We always ensure your gates are closed to prevent your pets from escaping.
- We prevent flea carriers like rodents from entering your home and yard.
When you need pet friendly pest control, trust Clark Pest Control. Request a pest inspection today!