When is the right time to repair termite damage in your home?

Dec 8, 2023, 14:10 PM by Fred Speer

Throughout the year, Clark, your friendly pest, rodent, mosquito, and termite expert, has shared information on what attracts termites and other wood-destroying pests and organisms (dry-rot fungus, wood-boring beetles, etc.) to your home. In addition, we’ve talked about the signs termites might be present and how valuable it is to get an annual home termite inspection.

This week, we’re going to discuss what to do if termites have damaged your home and you need to have it repaired. Discovering termite damage at your home is stressful and worrisome, but having Clark Pest Control in your corner can help.

Termites and wood-destroying organisms will attack more than the wood in your home. They also will eat cellulose-based materials, including:

  • Insulation
  • Carpet
  • Cardboard
  • Sheetrock paper
  • Fabrics

Termite damage repairs

Winter is a good time of year to have damage caused by termites or other wood-destroying pests repaired. Working with Clark Pest Control on termite damage repairs will give you peace of mind that the repairs will be done correctly and to the standard you expect.

The advantages of working with Clark on your termite repairs include:

  1. Clark performs the repair work itself and manages the project from start to finish.
  2. Clark is licensed by the California Contractors State License Board, which covers all its repair specialists.
  3. You’ll have a single point of contact – no tracking down multiple contractors to get answers or updates.
  4. Clark can schedule and complete your repairs faster than when you use outside contractors.
  5. All repairs undergo an extensive quality assurance process – the work is not done until you are satisfied.
  6. All repair services are backed by California’s most trusted name in termite prevention and control – Clark Pest Control.

The termite repair process

What do you need to know about what could be involved in repairing the termite damage in your home? Here are some general steps that may be involved:

Wood replacement: If any wood in the home has been damaged beyond repair, it will need to be removed and replaced. This may involve replacing such structural elements as beams or columns, as well as non-structural elements such as baseboards or trim.

Repair and restoration: Once the damaged wood has been replaced, the home will need to be repaired and restored to its original condition. This may include patching and repainting walls, repairing or replacing flooring, and fixing any other damage that was caused by the termite infestation.

Prevention: Once the damage is repaired, it’s important that you take a preventive approach to deter future termite infestations. This includes regular inspections, having a licensed pest management professional treat for termites as soon as they are detected, and eliminating conditions conducive to termites. Addressing the latter includes reducing excess moisture, maintaining proper ventilation, eliminating wood-to-soil contact, not over-mulching, and removing old tree stumps and wood from yards.

Protecting your home from destructive subterranean, drywood, or dampwood termites is a priority of Clark Pest Control. We offer comprehensive free termite inspections conducted by highly trained inspectors. If termites are present, we will deploy the latest innovative termite control products and application techniques to target and eliminate them.

For maximum protection against termites, you should schedule a no-obligation home wellness inspection, which includes a complete termite inspection. You also can ask for more information on Clark Pest Control’s exclusive Termite Infestation Protection (T.I.P.) program, which is designed to protect your home from future infestations and damage caused by all species of termites.

Call California’s trusted, friendly termite control expert at (800) WE-NEED-YOU (936-3339) or email us at clarkcares@clarkpest.com to schedule your home wellness inspection and defuse the termite threat.

Until next time, the pest management professionals at Clark Pest Control thank you for helping to keep unwanted pests out of your home and yard.