Wet weather and termites: a dangerous duo

Jan 25, 2019, 09:40 AM by Fred Speer

Termites are tough customers. They are also resilient pests; they’ve been on this Earth for more than 200 million years.

The early winter rains that Californians are experiencing could increase overall pest activity and pest population levels – including termites – this spring, when temperatures rise.

Clark, your neighborly pest control expert, knows termites and wants to make sure California homeowners are prepared for what could be an active termite season.

Subterranean termites – the most commonly encountered termite in California –  thrive in moist soil, and recent rains are producing ideal conditions for these unwanted houseguests. Of course there are man-made issues, such as broken sprinkler pipes or heads, leaky faucets, or poor landscaping practices, which can lead to excess moisture problems in and around homes.

In addition to creating welcoming conditions for nesting locations, this winter’s heavy rains, flooding, and high winds can cause structural damage (i.e., torn-off roof shingles, deteriorated caulking/sealing around doors and windows, cracks in the foundation) that provide termites with access to your home and the wood inside.

Moist and decaying wood that is in contact with damp soil is most susceptible to a termite infestation. The following areas of your home could be at risk:


  • Crawlspaces
  • Sill plates
  • Subfloors
  • Exterior walls
  • Soffits and fascia behind leaking gutters
  • Leaks in the roof
  • Porches, decks, and fence posts
  • Decaying tree stumps in your yard

Because termites are secretive pests, they can go undetected for years, hidden behind walls, floor coverings, insulation, and other obstructions. Often there will be no visible evidence of an infestation.

Having your home inspected annually for termites and other wood-destroying pests by one of Clark Pest Control’s highly trained expert inspectors – who knows where to look, what to look for, and how to fix the problem – can bring you the peace of mind and confidence that your home’s termite problem will be taken care of properly.

Termites cause billions of dollars in damage each year in the United States. Besides the monetary consequences and annoyance, the presence of winged termite reproductives inside your home can be an emotionally trying experience, not to mention the thought of thousands of hidden termites silently feasting on your largest investment.

With prime termite season right around the corner, now is the time to take action to protect your home and schedule a termite inspection. Call Clark to book your free termite inspection today.

Be sure to ask about our exclusive Termite Infestation Program (T.I.P.), which will cover your home from future infestations and damages. A full inspection must be performed to see if your home qualifies, and then, for a small monthly fee, you can avoid costly out-of-pocket treatment and repair expenses.

If you think termites might be a problem in your home, call or text (800) WE-NEED-YOU (936-3339) or drop me an email at clarkcares@clarkpest.com to schedule your inspection.

Until next time I’m Clark, and thanks for helping me keep unwanted pests out of your home.