
  • More on ladybug swarns!

    Oct 22, 2009, 18:23 PM by User Not Found
    Seasonal ladybug swarms pester even bug experts Posted var wn_last_ed_date getLEDate("Oct 21 2009 5:27 PM EST document.write(wn_last_ed_date Oct
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  • Know your stinkbugs

    Oct 22, 2009, 16:20 PM by User Not Found
    The prehistoric-looking, shield-shaped brown marmorated stinkbug resembles something of an alien - but its presence in homes in the area is anything but uncommon.
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  • Inside the housefly

    Oct 22, 2009, 14:53 PM by User Not Found
    The adults are 8-12 mm long Their thorax is gray with four longitudinal dark lines on the back The underside of their abdomen is yellow citation
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  • Firefighters fighting BedBugs

    Oct 22, 2009, 13:22 PM by User Not Found
    After a recent visit from an exterminator declaring they were indeed infested with bed bugs the Wilmington Fire Station threw out mattresses upholste
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  • Man faints after washing hair with pesticide

    Oct 21, 2009, 18:34 PM by User Not Found
    Source Updated 2009-10-21 09:25 A man in Qingdao Shandong province had to
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