June 9, 2010
Black widow spiders brown recluse spiders Fire ants poisonous plants and snake bites are the stuff of nightmares and just a few of the man
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Clark Pest Control San Diego Office
June 8, 2010
In most animals the bigger, better fighter usually wins. But a new study of the jumping spider Phidippus clarus suggests that size and skill aren't everything - what matters for Phidippus females is how badly they want to win.
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June 4, 2010
By Sharon Roznik • The Reporter Bee experts are scratching their heads trying to figure out why a swarm of insects -- bees wasps or hornets -- stung
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Clark Pest Control Auburn Office
June 4, 2010
With a little bit of sleuthing, video gamers can find environmentally responsible ways to rid their homes of unwanted pests.
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Clark Pest Control Salinas Office
June 4, 2010
Pests may be the the least of California's worries By CAITLIN MATALONE It's a pesticide so toxic many chemists refuse to handle it But soon it cou
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