January 12, 2010
Source TRIBUNE-REVIEW By Brad Bumsted Most Pennsylvanians would not be surprised to hear there are rats in the state Capitol Since the 2005 middle-
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January 12, 2010
Source L.A Times By Jeff Spurrier Mousetraps aren't just a snap anymore Some try to kill humanely One will even send an e-mail of a kill It's hard
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January 12, 2010
Hoping to combat invading ants with poison It turns out ants have sophisticated group strategies to avoiding destruction.
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January 8, 2010
Millipedes live outdoors in damp areas under leaves and plant debris in cracks or in the lawn They become pests when they wander into your home Unli
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Clark Pest Control San Diego Office
January 8, 2010
During the rain and cold season the most common pest we encounter in our homes are ants Controlling ants isn't an easy task.
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