September 27, 2019
Do you know how to spot the signs of a rodent infestation in your home? Some are more obvious than others. But as a rule, rodents prefer to work in the shadows, out of sight from humans.
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Clark Pest Control Vacaville Office
September 20, 2019
Clark Pest Control can help you maintain healthy lawns, shrubs, and trees that add environmental and aesthetic value to your home.
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September 13, 2019
September is the start of football season. Clark, your neighborly pest control, termite, and lawn care expert, doesn’t want your home to get sacked by drywood termites. While not as well-known as their subterranean relatives, drywood termites will nest in areas homeowners typically don’t go – attics, under eaves and overhangs, along the roofline. Now is as good a time as ever to get your house checked.
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