Clark Pest Control Santa Clarita Office
July 19, 2016
To keep your outdoor activities safe and enjoyable, the Clark Man reminds camping and hiking enthusiasts to take proper precautions when taking on the great outdoors, because direct contact with certain insects and wildlife can present risks.
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July 11, 2016
Summer is when stinging insects thrive, and California residents need to make sure they are taking proper precautions to protect themselves and their families. While some stinging insects are beneficial to our environment, others – including carpenter bees, wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets – can pose a threat to people and structures.
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July 1, 2016
The Fourth of July agenda usually includes picnics, cookouts, fireworks, and good times with family and friends. It can also include an explosion of unwanted pests that want to spoil your good times.
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