Harvester ants are urban pests. They do not invade homes or structures, but instead. nest in mounds, that may be covered with pebbles, charcoal, or even fragments of dead vegetation that are used to retain heat. When these ants go off to forage, they will leave the nest one by one, heading off in different directions. The harvester ant’s name comes from its habit of stripping vegetation while collecting seeds, resulting in large bare spots in vegetation and lawns. The harvester ant can be aggressive when defending its nest, resulting in stings similar to a bee’s, and this ant will engage in long, drawn-out wars with other colonies. Harvester ants could be described as the ruffians of the bug world. Remember those old western movies where a person is tied to stakes over an ant mound? The harvester ant is most likely the culprit.
Treating harvester ants should be handled by a trained, licensed pest management professional, due to this ant’s aggressive nature. If you suspect you might have harvester ants, call Clark Pest Control, and our friendly technician will identify them for certain, before taking appropriate measures.
Latin Name: Pogonomyrmex californicus, P. occidentalis, P. rugosa, et al.