Physical Characteristics

The adult rice weevil is around 1/8 inch long, with an elongated somewhat capsule-shaped body that is dull reddish brown and pitted, with four faint reddish or yellowish marks on its elytra or wing sheaths, two per each elytron. Like other weevils, the rice weevil has a pronounced, funnel-type proboscis or snout. Larvae are creamy white colored and legless, with a dark brown head and a thickened middle.

Rice Weevil


The rice weevil has been called the most important stored-product pest. It is an internal feeder; the female rice weevil bores a hole into each kernel of grain and deposits an egg, which hatches into a larva that feeds on the contents inside the hull. The weevil will stay inside its kernel home through its live cycle (egg, larva, pupa, adult), and will break out once its adult cuticle, or exoskeleton, hardens. The adult rice weevil can fly and is attracted to light, and will attack beans, buckwheat, cereals, corn, nuts, rice, stored cotton, wheat and wheat products of all kinds; it also will feed on apples, grapes and pears.



Inspect the above-mentioned items for rice weevils or other pests, keep your kitchen and other areas clean, store items in Tupperware-type containers or sealed glass jars in a dry place, and rotate products, using your older goods first. If you think your rice weevil problem is escalating, call Clark Pest Control. Our highly trained technicians have the expert knowledge to solve your pest problem quickly.

Latin name: Sitophilus oryzae