Physical Characteristics
Bean weevils are three separate species, all from the subfamily Bruchinae, none of them true weevils: the bean weevil (A. obtectus), the broad bean weevil (B. rufimanus) and the cowpea weevil (C. maculatus). Adults range from 1/16 inch to 1/8 inch in length, are teardrop or triangle shaped, and dull-brownish colored with white, reddish or black markings. None of them have the weevil’s characteristic pointed snout. Larva can be up to 1/8 long, and are cream colored and C-shaped.

Bean Weevil


The bean weevil lays eggs in the cracks of the bean pod; the broad bean weevil glues its eggs to the green pods, and the cowpea weevil will glue its eggs to the bean or the pod. Of the three, the cowpea weevil is the most common in California, and a major pest affecting dried, stored beans; the bean weevil also attacks stored beans. When the eggs hatch, the larvae bore into dried beans, consume the contents, pupate and then emerge as adults through a hole in the now-hollow bean. The adults are good fliers.


Inspect the above-mentioned items for bean weevils or other pests, keep your kitchen and other areas clean, store items in Tupperware-type containers or sealed glass jars in a dry place, and rotate products, using your older goods first. Heating dried beans for over 145 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours, or storing them at below 32 degrees Fahrenheit for 58 days, will kill any bean weevil infestation. If you think your been weevil problem is escalating, call Clark Pest Control. Our highly trained technicians have the expert knowledge to solve your pest problem quickly.

Latin name: Acanthoscelides obtectus, Bruchus rufimanus, Callosobruchus maculatus